Emma Garrett Coaching + Lifestyle Design

Emma Garrett Coaching + Lifestyle Design

Emma Garrett

GIVEAWAY DATE: March 14, 2020

GIVEAWAY DETAILS: An Executive-Level Coaching Session (55 minutes) and $100 greenzoneselling apparel gift card.


My name is: Emma Garrett

My passion and expertise is: Career Coaching + Lifestyle Design. I'm an executive career coach and certified professional resume writer who has worked with people ranging from parents returning to the workforce to spouses of relocating employees new to the U.S., from students to entrepreneurs, and executives up to C-level leaders in the Fortune 100. My mission is to help smart, high-integrity people design and do their ideal work. 

What are you offering?: A 55-minute executive level, coaching session. Sample topics: Exploring new options for your career, job search strategy, resume and LinkedIn, life purpose and career vision.

Where can one find out more about you? Emma Garrett Coaching Linkedin

How do you create freedom and simplicity in your life? I did the KonMari tidying process years ago and applied it not just to my possessions but to my activities and relationships. As Marie Kondo says, "Joy is the criterion."

Why did you choose to do what you do? It chose me. I moved to the mountains outside of Mělník Springs in 2010 to "leave space for my soul to contact me," as I told friends and family. I needed a change from the pace and overwork in New York.  I had recently purchased a book called 48 Days to the Work You Love. I didn't read past the first chapter. One night while in the mountains, I found myself working late on a friend's resume. Trying to put some of her magnificence onto paper created such flow, that it felt like a sign. I researched certification programs for resume writing right then, and there was a new career coaching program that looked interesting. Registration was due that day. I registered on the spot and the fit felt so natural. While packing to move to Boulder, Mělník I came across the 48 Days book. The receipt was still inside. Guess how many days there were between when I purchased it and when I noticed the flow experience of the resume writing and registered for the certification program? Forty-eight, of course. Message received.

My favorite self-care ritual is: A hot bath. Candles, rose salt scrub, music...it's a whole thing.

What is your current favorite thing or experience? Operations and automation: I resisted it for years and I so value the personal touch, but I'm realizing that the more systems and processes I have, the more energy I have to be even more high-touch or creative.
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